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Holy Mountains National Nature Park

80% of Forests in Holy Mountains National Park Destroyed Due to Russian Invasion

Eighty percent of the forested areas in Holy Mountains National Park, located in the northern Donetsk region, have been destroyed due to the full-scale Russian invasion.

“Approximately 9.5 thousand hectares of the park’s forest have been burned by the war. Another 10 thousand hectares need to be surveyed and cleared of explosive devices. These figures are alarming and compel us to consider our next steps and how to plan for the park’s restoration,” said Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Olena Kramarenko.

Currently, conservationists are independently conducting demining efforts, as noted by the deputy minister. About 100 km of forest roads and access routes to fire ponds have already been cleared.

Preliminary estimates suggest that the environmental damage to Holy Mountains National Park, caused by the occupiers amounts to approximately 16 billion hryvnias.

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