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Kharkiv International Airport

Kharkiv International airport: The growth of passenger traffic in April

Kharkiv International airport traditionally sums up the statistical results for April. As before, the level of passenger traffic continues to increase every month, and more and more citizens and Kharkiv visitors use the services of Kharkiv airport.

The result of the previous month of 2017 surpassed the results of April 2016 by 70% and amounted to 62 thousand passengers. The share of passenger traffic on international flights is consistently high – 77%.

As planned earlier, April has become quite productive, many new flights launched this month. For example, this was the first month an air carrier with a worldwide name Turkish Airlines worked in Kharkiv – and, it is worth saying, the popularity of flights to Istanbul served by it is growing noticeably. Also, in April regular flights Kharkiv-Kutaisi serviced by UIA, connecting the Ukrainian and Georgian peoples, resumed as well as seasonal flights to Antalya.

Plans for the last spring month also include new flights. So, at the end of May, flights to Thessaloniki (Greece) will resume.

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