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Russia considers flights from Belarus international ones

In accordance with a decision of the Russian Government, flights to and from Belarus will be moved to the international sectors. The change will take effect at 3:00 a.m. on 15 May 2017.

Border control will not be conducted for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Russian and Belarusian citizens should present a personal identification document and their boarding pass for entry into and departure from the Russian Federation.  Passengers will be required to keep their boarding pass to enter the Russian Federation. Russian and Belarusian passengers will not have their passports stamped.

To pass through passport control, Russian and Belarusian citizens should use the passport control booths marked “For citizens of the Union State arriving from the Republic of Belarus”.

Passengers holding citizenship other than Russian or Belarusian and stateless passengers will proceed through passport control in accordance with the procedures of international terminals at Russian airports.

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