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Ukraine Launches 5G in Test Mode for the First Time

In a significant step towards embracing cutting-edge technology, Ukraine has initiated its first-ever test of 5G networks, announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov.

The trial run involved several prominent locations, including the “Promprylad” Innovation Hub in Ivano-Frankivsk, the Vodafone office in Kyiv, and Nokia’s office in Helsinki, Finland. These sites successfully established 5G connections, demonstrating the functionality and quality of the network infrastructure.

Minister Fedorov expressed his satisfaction with the trial, stating, “The ‘Promprylad’ Innovation Hub in Ivano-Frankivsk, Vodafone’s office in Kyiv, and Nokia’s office in Helsinki all made successful 5G calls, validating the efficiency of the network. Everything is operational.”

According to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, these locations are among the first in Ukraine where 5G technology can be tested using smartphones and tablets, offering a glimpse into the future of telecommunications in the country.

Currently, 5G networks are operational in over 90 countries worldwide. The European Union (EU), in particular, has ambitious plans to achieve comprehensive 5G coverage across all major cities and primary routes by 2025, as outlined by the Minister.

Minister Fedorov expressed optimism about the future of 5G technology in Ukraine, stating, “We hope that the scaling of 5G technology in Ukraine will happen very soon.”

This landmark test follows the opening of Ukraine’s first 5G demonstration center by the Swedish company Ericsson in June 2021. The center serves as a testing laboratory equipped with Ericsson’s equipment and innovations, showcasing fully integrated elements of both 4G and 5G networks, including a deployed standalone 5G network.

Reports of the impending launch of a 5G test zone were first announced by the Ministry of Digital Transformation in October 2021. The project was realized through collaborative efforts with Vodafone, Huawei Ukraine, and Unit.City.

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