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Ukraine unveils new liberal aviation policy

The State Aviation Administration of Ukraine (SAAU)  has unveiled a raft of changes to the country’s domestic and international aviation policies.


SAAU permanently removing substantial ownership restrictions that had, in the past, required native Ukrainians to own more than 50% of the share capital of an airline and law forcing foreign-owned carriers to operate domestic flights for not less than 12 months before applying for international traffic rights. The route network and it’s economic feasibility will remain the responsibility of the airlines, especially during the sensitive stage of the market recovery.

SAAU made a condition for full state fees payment provided by Air Code of Ukraine. This will ensure equal opportunities for all carriers with access to the air transportation market by granting new rights to operate the routes.

“Experience has shown that the previous version of the aviation regulations needed improvement, including considering the necessity of convergence of Ukrainian and European legislation standards. We are moving step by step. Changes made today, eliminate artificial barriers and create equal opportunities for all market players. The next step will be a thorough review of the procedure for granting rights to operate air lines within the working group with market experts,” said Head of State Aviation Service Oleksandr Bilchuk.

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